Ceremonial Pills: Trump's recent visit from Pope Francis
The recent trip to Italy of the newly elected US president, Donald Trump, recently concluded, who saw him engaged first in an official visit to the Pope, ...
Massimo L. Salvadori: Letter to Matteo Renzi
Massimo L. Salvadori Ed. Donzelli pp. 128 "From Florence, a homeland of beauty, we get into the game. We want to answer ...
2 pre-election June?
There is never an end to humiliation. The parade of the 2 June has long represented a moment of pride for many servants of the state, a special parenthesis, an audience ...
Twice victims
The Manchester attack contains several meanings that mark - once more - the difference between Islamism and Islam tout court. As several newspapers have mentioned, ...
"From compass to gyro", shows on the objects that led man over the sea
Compasses and gyros, periples and porters, radionavigation and satellite navigation. But also tide tables, great navigators and wars between maritime republics. The stories...
Memorial Day at the American cemetery of the Falciani (FI)
On the day of Memorial Day at the American Military Cemetery of the Falciani, in Impruneta, on the outskirts of Florence, the visit of Undersecretary of State for Defense, Domenico Rossi, ...
Mediterranean: risks and opportunities according to Admiral De Giorgi
The leadership on the Libya dossier is up to Italy. Trump thus established, to our great satisfaction, in the imminence of the G7 of Taormina. Our government has been ...
The heroic individualism of Commander Todaro
The Italian people are by nature individualistic, they can hardly become a nation, we would say that until today, since the peninsula was artificially unified on the 17th ...

Stefano Fabei: "Carmelo Borg Pisani (1915-1942): hero or traitor?"
Stefano Fabei Ed. "The beetle" pagg. 153 The question posed by Fabei in this book is of those to which it is not ...
Revival - History, Challenges, Wins
Writing in defense also means having the privilege of knowing special realities, able to excite you ...
Suspended permits for the use of the uniform for leave-on staff who wish to go abroad
Recently a circular has arrived in Assoarma (M_D SSMD REG2017 0033080 06-03-2017) which suspends for the current ...
La Spezia: European Sea Day
Yesterday the European Maritime Day 2017 was celebrated at the La Spezia Navy Officers' Club. THE'...
Defense: Undersecretary Rossi celebrates in Rome the day of "Decorated Gold Medal at Italian Military Valor"
With the deposition of a laurel wreath at the Altare della Patria, it was celebrated yesterday, in the presence of ...
Scagionato De Giorgi: I guessed but late
What do you ask for a summit of the institutions of a state? Preparation, capacity, incorruptibility, dedication to ...
"Blue Whale Challenge", a deadly game on social networks. The postal police sound the alarm
The police post intervenes with a page on Facebook "a social life" to stem the dangers from a ...
Sweethearts on the 24 May
The turning point of the centenary was now two years ago, so it is possible to have a more serene and free examination ...
Operation Vault 7: the point on the "secrets" of the CIA unveiled until today, while in the world rages WannaCry
In the almost total indifference of the general media, the Vault 7 operation, launched by WikiLeaks last March 7, ...
Fairfax Downey: Solemn the Magnificent
There are history books that try to make the best of an era, a period of humanity, not always succeeding in ...
Carabinieri Aviatori in Turin: a long history in a good book (free for all online) and above all an interesting conference
Today at 18: 00 at the Turin Book Fair, Pavilion 3, "Arena Piemonte" (500 seats) will ...
The debt
Within an increasingly complex economic system but with the proper foundations of debt and recourse to ...
