Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics
Yet, I tell them, why scare before reading it? In my opinion the fundamental problem is that who has ...
Samantha Hunt: The inventor of light
So how? Which is the best way to review a book like this? Review ... what a bad term! Maybe I have to ...
Antonio Piedimonte: Raimondo di Sangro, Prince of Sansevero
A trip to Spaccanapoli allowed me to know something amazing: the Chapel of Prince Raimondo of ...
Mauro Mellini: The Marò market
A text that stigmatizes the absence of the state in addressing events that after more than 1000 days still present ...
John Maynard Keynes: How to get out of the crisis
Keynes made several trips to America and had the opportunity to meet Presidents Hoover and Roosevelt with whom ...
Gian Micalessin: Afghanistan one way
Given the sensitivity and emotional impact of the object in question it is difficult even to define it as a genre, risking ...
Extra sensory perception
Who are the authors? Gershon Dublon is a PhD student at the Media Lab at MIT while Joseph A. Paradiso is ...
Wild Lenzini: 49 shades in green gray
General Villi Lenzini's career is a complete career: the military academy, the various assignments, the war ...

Emilio Segrè: Enrico Fermi, physicist. A scientific biography
I do not remember because I took the note but in any case I ordered a biography of Fermi and as soon as I arrived I put ...
Carl Gustav Jung: Psychology of occult phenomena
From time to time, the old books were replayed and just a few weeks ago this was re-emerged. Jung was one ...
Erwin Schrodinger, life, love and the quantum revolution
It is interesting to note how Austria and Germany between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries were united in a single, huge and ...
Sallustio: The War of Giugurta
As a politician there are those who say that it was not a great success, the fact is that it accumulated a huge wealth and when ...
Daniela Lombardi: My duty I did it
Here he tells his story, through direct testimonies, almost all unpublished, of relatives, friends, superiors and ...
Théodore Géricault: The raft of the Medusa
During my recent visit to the Louvre, my wife caught my attention on a beautiful canvas by an author to me ...
Walter Cassani: "Albert was right: God doesn't play dice!"
They are among those fans that when you can read a book of Physics to deepen some concept studied at '...
Carlos Ruiz Zafón: The game of the angel
So one day in the summer of 2013 I came across a book that talked about books and although it was now ...
Rider Haggard: Allan Quatermain
Set in Africa, the novel is part of a series of novels with Allan Quatermain as the main character ...
Galileo Galilei: Dialogue of the highest systems
Copernicus placed the Earth around the Sun and the Sun at the center of the then known solar system; Tolomeo instead, ...
Nicola Amato: Information security
What are we talking about in the book? The topics of the book are mainly taken from the lectures given at the University ...
Emil Ludwig: Schliemann
Mecklenburg of the 1800 gave birth to this extraordinary man. The legends of the village of Ankershagen ...
