Review of the new Navy aircraft simulator for mobile devices
In the sky and at sea with the new Italian software house simulator Rortos, for years engaged in the ...
Karim Franceschi: The fighter. History of the Italian who defended Kobane from Isis
Karim Franceschi Ed. BUR-Rizzoli pagg. 350 I came to be interested in this book by chance and with a certain ...
Lord Longford: Kennedy
Lord Longford Ed. Dall'Oglio pagg: 356 JFK, at the age of John Fitzgerald Kennedy (Jack for intimate friends), was ...
Nikola Tesla: My inventions
Nikola Tesla Ed. Plan B pagg. 128 Nikola Tesla, inventions, war and peace. Why is Nikola Tesla so interesting? ...
Pietro Giovanni Liuzzi, Lieta Zanatta: Operation Lisia
Pietro Giovanni Liuzzi, Lieta Zanatta Ed. Youcanprint pagg. 296 The story of the massacre of 103 Italian officers, of ...
Vincenzo Fenili: On Mission - Agent Kasper, a life under cover
Vincenzo Fenili Ed. 296 The first question I asked when I started reading the book is ...
Danilo Pagliaro, Andrea Sceresini: Never be afraid - life of an unrepentant legionnaire
Danilo Pagliaro, Andrea Sceresini Ed. Chiarelettere pagg. 224 I have to admit it, when I started reading the book ...
Umberto Eco: The cemetery of Prague
Umberto Eco Ed. Bompiani pp. 532 In the third shelf from the bottom of my bookcase (one of many), there are ...

Daniela Morelli: SOS UOMO IN MARE, Admiral De Giorgi tells ...
Give the right tribute to the personnel of the Navy, engaged daily in saving lives, making ...
Costantino Filidoro: GREAT WAR the truths forgotten
Costantino Filidoro Ed. Panozzo p. 132 Writing a book on the Great War today is not an easy choice: everything ...
Giuseppe Paccione: A sea of ​​abuse
Giuseppe Paccione Ed. ADDA pp. 250 The author Giuseppe Paccione, jurist and expert in international law, ...
Giuseppe Sfacteria: Of Sea and War
Giuseppe Sfacteria Ed. Libertà Edizioni pag. 130 Who is the author? Commander Giuseppe Sfacteria says of himself: “I am ...
Emilio Lussu: A year on the plateau
Emilio Lussu Ed. Mondadori pp. 258 Who is Emilio Lussu? Maybe someone can answer: a writer; ...
Carlo Maria Lomartire: Mattei
Carlo Maria Lomartire Ed. Mondadori pages: 366 I have just finished reading the biography of Mattei, of whom, to be ...
Curzio Malaparte: Technique of the coup
Curzio Malaparte Ed. Adelphi pp. 270 Several years ago, in a book stall in Milan, I bought an old ...
Nicola Amato: The steganography from Herodotus to Bin Laden
Nicola Amato Ed. Italian University Press p. 208 What more can I say? The title says it all. Maybe so,...
Interview with the author of "From Sicily to El Alamein", Carlo Palermo
In July 2015, the volume From Sicily to El Alamein, (Momenti Editions), by the historian Carlo ...
Carlo Palermo: From Sicily to El Alamein
Carlo Palermo Ed. Moments pagg. 100 Ribera, a small town in the province of Agrigento that gave birth to ...
Antonio Teti: Open Source Intelligence and Cyberspace
Antonio Teti Rubbettino publisher pagg. 268 "The new frontier of knowledge", this is the subtitle of the book of ...
Alessandro Busonero: A free Santostefanese
Alessandro Busonero Ed. Helicon pp. 332 "Porto S. Stefano, today a renowned seaside resort known in Italy and ...
