Danilo Pagliaro: The choice. My life in the Foreign Legion
Danilo Pagliaro, with Andrea Sceresini Ed. Chiarelettere pagg. 220 We will not be altar boys, but we're not even ...
Francesco Rubino: Plots of Destruction - History and Analysis of the Civil War in Former Yugoslavia (1991-1995)
Francesco Rubino Ed. Il Cerchio, San Marino 2015 pagg.103 The author, independent historical researcher, describes, in ...
Jean-Marc Royer: The monde comme projet Manhattan
Jean-Marc Royer Ed. The clandestin passeger, 2017 pagg. 354 What do we know about the Manhattan project and nuclear tests that ...
Bruno Cianci: The ships of the crescent. The navy of the Ottoman Empire (1299-1923)
Bruno Cianci Ed. Odoya, Bologna 2015 pagg.391 The author, journalist and historian, with a wealth of details, describes ...
Giampaolo Pansa: Kill the white commander. A mystery in the Resistance
Giampaolo Pansa Ed. Rizzoli. pp. 289 There are stories, in Italy, not told or almost completely forgotten. Stories ...
Alessandro Barbero: Istanbul's sofa
Alessandro Barbero Ed. Sellerio, Palermo 2015 pagg.209, euro 13,00 The author, professor at the University ...
Livio Iacopozzi: Flight tests in Piaggio
It is a book of the 2012, but returns very timely in virtue of recent concerns for the future of this ...
Fiammetta Positano De Vincentiis: Cruisers for the Rising Sun.
Fiammetta Positano De Vincentiis Ed. De Ferrari, Genoa 2005 pagg.145 A work that lasted almost twenty years ...

Giulio Meotti: The end of Europe New abandoned mosques and churches
Giulio Meotti Ed.Cantagalli, Siena 2016 pagg.222 "What is happening is the third attempt by the Muslims of ...
Carlo Biffani: Defend yourself from a terrorist attack
Carlo Biffani Male-Edizioni, Rome 2017 pagg.50 + 50 "Narrating the terrorists of Daesh as we do now, as if they were ...
Antonello De Oto: Altar and Mostrine
Antonello De Oto Ed. Cedam pp. 104 It is a really good book, the one that Antonello De Oto dedicated to the complex topic ...
David Galula: Counterinsurgency Warfare
David Galula, Counterinsurgency Warfare. Theory and Practice Ed. Prager Security International, 20062 pp.128 Published ...
Antonio Gibelli: The Great War of the Italians
Antonio Gibelli Ed. Rizzoli, Milan 2014 pagg.399 The author, professor of contemporary history at the University of Genoa ...
Antonio Teti: Cyber ​​Espionage and Cyber ​​Counterintelligence
Antonio Teti Ed. Rubbettino pagg. 221 The Scandal Facebook-Cambridge Analytica, as usual archived by the press ...
Maria Cristina Mannocchi: Storms and Landing - The literature of the shipwreck as a search for salvation
Maria Cristina Mannocchi Ed.Ensemble Roma 2012 Pag.250 "Who has never felt at the mercy of the storms of life, ...
Smartphone, Coltan and war in the Congo
The title of the article could leave a moment banned: what do mobile phones hit by war in ...
Vittorio Conte: Live happily in Madagascar with 500 euro per month or create a business with little money
Who is Vittorio Conte? The author defines himself as "a former public manager ..." who has always been involved in social work. Vittorio ...
Giovanni Adducci: A Garibaldian at Casa Giacometti
Giovanni Adducci Ed. Palombi, Rome 2015 pagg. 131 Casa Giacometti is "a small farmhouse, of an opaque yellow color, ...
"Made in Italy" (film ... but also disco)
Although he has never denied having had an "imprint" son of that political ideology that has dominated through ...
Lucy Riall: La Rivolta - Bronte 1860
Lucy Riall Ed. Laterza, Bari 2012 pagg. 354 This essay comes from the discovery, by the author, professor of ...
