Shoshana Zuboff: Capitalism of surveillance
It is not often that you read a book and realize that you have a definitive work on your hands: that's what ...
Susy Dan Lombardi: Cloth Wings
Susy Dan Lombardi Ed. Itinera Progetti, Bassano del Grappa (VI) 2009 pagg.229 The author, entrepreneur with a great ...
Eleonora Lorusso: "Diary (radio) from the Lady of the seas"
There is little to do: the Vespucci is beautiful! The Lady of the Seas. The pride of the Navy and the Italians. IS...
Camilla Poesio: Everything is rhythm, everything is swing. Jazz, fascism and Italian society
Camilla Poesio Ed. Le Monnier Pag.175 The author, researcher at the University Ca 'Foscari of Venice, in this ...
Cristina Di Giorgi: Theseus Tesei. To the assault of glory
Cristina Di Giorgi Ed. Seaplane, Rome 2018 pagg.165 The author, journalist, with this essay, “wanted ...
Daniela Mazzon, Rosina Torrisi: Ippolito Nievo - The biography of an Italian
Daniela Mazzon Ed. Anordest, Villorba (TV) 2011 pagg. 205 The authors, teachers at the Liceo Classico Tito Livio of ...
Alberto Di Gilio: The last days
Alberto Di Gilio Ed.Gino Rossato, Valdagno (VI) 2018 pagg.124 The author, historical researcher, who has to his credit ...
Antonio Padellaro: The gesture of Almirante and Berlinguer
Antonio Padellaro Ed. Paper First, Rome 2019 pagg.89 The author, former editor of Il Fatto daily, is a journalist ...

Ignazio Licata: Complexity, a simple introduction
What are complex systems? This is the fundamental question, in my opinion, that should guide those who have decided to ...
Laura Pepe: Heroes drink wine
Laura Pepe Ed. Laterza, Bari 2018 pagg. 244 The author, professor of Ancient Greek Law at the University of Milan, ...
Marina Rossi: The witches of the night. Stories and testimonies of female aviation in the USSR (1941 – 1945)
Marina Rossi Ed. Unicopli, Milan 2003 pagg.191 The author, who taught History of Russia at the University of ...
Davide Gnola: Corsairs in our sea
Davide Gnola Ed. Minerva, Argelato (BO) 2014 page 127 The author, director of the Maritime Museum of Cesenatico, ...
Giuseppe Monsagrati: The spring of the republic
Giuseppe Monsagrati Ed. La Lepre pagg.184 The author, former professor of Contemporary History at the University La ...
Domenico Vecchioni: The ten spy women who made history
Domenico Vecchioni Editions of Capricorn pagg.166 The book "The ten spy women who have ...
Armando Micheli: Somalia, Mogadishu. My 2 July 1993
Armando Micheli Ed. Seven Cities pp. 176 With this story I want to tell "my 2 July 1993", what I remember ...
KRAV MAGA: Strategy, Psychology and Emotionality in Personal Defense
Davide Franceschini Publisystem Editions pagg. 204 The author is an Instructor of Krav Maga (ie "Combat ...
Sherry Sontag - Christopher Drew: Quick dive. The secret history of submarine espionage
Sherry Sontag - Christopher Drew Ed. The Assayer pagg. 444 "This book talks about submarines, espionage and ...
Biagio Di Grazia: Why did NATO bomb Serbia in the 1999?
Biagio Di Grazia Ed. (self-produced) pagg. 170 Recently Kosovo decided to acquire a real ...
Mirko Crocoli: Matteo Salvini "O Captain! My Captain!"
O Captain! My captain! is the title of the book, released in these days and dedicated by the author Mirko Crocoli, who ...
Fabio De Ninno: Fascists on the sea. The Navy and the admirals of Mussolini
Fabio De Ninno Ed. Laterza, Bari 2017 pagg.241 The author, university researcher, sets himself, in this volume, ...
