"Soldiers of Peace"

it's not just war. It is a country that today, thanks to the work of Italian soldiers, looks to the future with hope. Vincenzo Rubano tells of his experience as a correspondent in Afghanistan in the book "Soldati di Pace".

A book published by the publishing house "Guida" where the Cilento journalist reports the stories of love and hope of many Italian soldiers engaged in the delicate peace mission in Afghanistan.

To open the book the preface by the historian Tg5 war correspondent Toni Capuozzo, the introduction by Monsignor Giovanni D'Ercole (former deputy director of the Vatican press office, currently bishop of the diocese of Ascoli Piceno and television host of the religious column “Sulla via of Damascus "on Rai 2), and the presentation of the anticamorra priest Don Luigi Merola.

The book by Vincenzo Rubano "is an interesting diary of a distant war - writes in the introduction Monsignor D'Ercole - fought by soldiers of peace to defend the legality and security of the population. The author of this agile volume that reads like an adventure novel wants to make the soul of those who move in the trenches known and brings out the human traits of people through the narratives of everyday life. Thus the reader has the keen sense of entering a theater of war, far from our cities with all the risks and mishaps that only those who have been there are able to fully perceive ".

"The story of Vincenzo Rubano is a good story - writes Toni Capuozzo in the preface - because it hides nothing: anxieties before departure, fatigue, weaknesses. It becomes easier for the reader to identify himself not with an invulnerable war correspondent, but with someone like you, beaten to the front by his own incautious curiosity, and grappling with his own inevitable, human, fragility ”.

"Vincenzo with the only" bloch note "- writes Fr Luigi Merola in the presentation - wants to shout the horror of war and the ugliness of violence. But also to underline how, in these places of fratricidal wars, there are soldiers who do not give up giving a smile to children and to the weakest categories, bringing legality and peace to a high-risk area like Afghanistan ”.

Author's biographyVincenzo Rubano (Sapri, March 26, 1985) is a professional journalist. He began his career at fourteen, collaborating with the newspaper "La Città" for which he currently follows the crime and judicial news from Cilento. He writes for the newspaper "La Repubblica" and is a contributor to numerous national magazines. As an embedded journalist he has participated in military missions in Kosovo, Lebanon and Afghanistan, carrying out numerous reports. Since 2012 he has collaborated with the television program Striscia La Notizia.