The parade of 31 May


It's almost midnight, via the imperial forums is subject to preparations for the 2 June parade. This time I want to browse even "behind the scenes". I walk to the Baths of Caracalla. The military prepared for ten days, the rehearsal tonight.

Fanfare that sound, departments that are prepared, there is tension but at the same time there are moments of relaxation like the fireworks along the Baths of Caracalla.

It's two o'clock, the show begins, everything must be like the 2 June, in the presence of the President of the Republic.

The commanders give the last indications and check the alignments. The night parade in the shadow of the colosseum is really impressive. An off-screen voice presents the positions in transit, preceded by its flag. Some traffic lights indicate when it is time to move to reach the main stage, the presidential tribune, where they will greet the institutional authorities.

Waiting for them tonight are the generals of the various companies and the chief of staff of the defense, Admiral Luigi Binelli Mantelli.

The rehearsals are about to end, the cuirassiers arrive: it's a solemn moment, the anthem of Mameli, Admiral Binelli Mantelli on attentive greets the soldiers on horseback.

The tests are over. Appointment at the 2 June!

Monica Palermo