“Revolution”: whoever makes it… wait for it!

(To Andrea Cucco)

There are many very interesting aspects of the press conference held after yesterday's Council of Ministers. The spectrum of topics ranged from major constitutional reforms to prank calls (read "Kremlin intrigues").

However, what is striking about the last (or penultimate) prime minister of the second republic is the use of the term "revolution". Added to this is that the next person to resign at Palazzo Chigi will be the "adviser for algebra".

But first things first.

That the second republic is in its last gasps is due to the simple fact that the absolute majority of voters now deserts the polls.

Can there still be democracy in a country in which the "relative" majority - expressed by a voting minority - governs? Formally yes. Concretely no.

At the same time, there is a 30% - pissed off - half of Italians who, in the last five years, have passed through the entire parliamentary term; he hoped for something evidently impossible for the current political/institutional system and has today reached the end of the line.

Will the tour start again? The parties hope so, we doubt it.

When the solution to the precariousness of governments, as announced, is to ensure that an enormous majority bonus goes to the winning coalition, it will cause an elected minority even smaller than the current one to occupy an even greater part of Parliament.

Let's explain better: when any party claims a 30% consensus, in a country where around 40-45% of eligible voters now vote, that value must be divided by 2,2 or even 2,5. Ergo 13,6 or even 12%!

And who has 8% on paper? The real value becomes 3,6 or even 3,2%.

In an assembly of 100 citizens, how tolerable would it be for fewer than 20 to decide?

“Who cares!” Someone will say. "Better!" Someone else will say. “If you don't vote, you can't complain” he will finally comment on some essays…

However, in a moment of profound crisis (economic, political, social, military,...), a prelude to all the true revolutions that have characterized history, from the English to the French, from the Russian to the American, feeling this term in the mouth of the representative of the executive power makes us understand that we are truly close to a profound renewal.

It is therefore good that, with the humility that characterizes our politicians, we try to remedy the irremediable. A turning point by the majority of Italian subjects could transform them from a colorful bleating flock into citizens, even into a "nation" (one day...).

It is therefore good that a term has been cleared which, from the moment it comes out of the mouth of the prime minister, from now on will no longer have anything "subversive" about it.

Last among the developed countries, we could therefore soon truly become a Republic, even a democratic one. For now, let's start with the small things: let's fire the “algebra counselor”!

In his speech the current Prime Minister described the last 75 years as marked by 68 governments that have alternated on average every year and a half.

Not wanting to resort to artificial intelligence, I used a calculator and even checked the old fashioned way with paper and pencil: the result is 1,1 not 1,5...

Dear presidents, instability is a problem but it does not exist by chance: in 162 years of history, 139 governments have alternated in Italy. The average does not change (1,1). It's system, not bad luck.

The Revolution, if you don't make it listening, someone else will do it...

Photo: Presidency of the Council of Ministers