The F-35 ... explained to a biker!

(To Andrea Cucco)

For years it has been arguing over the purchase of an aircraft that (unfortunately) in Italy rarely evaluates the operational adequacy or technical qualities. With us, a positive test or a negative report from the Pentagon always has a "political" value. It thus happens that the articles on the F-35 are often interpreted by some readers as the result of positions in favor or against the program.

Since a test by the Marine or Air Force, a Pentagon report or one of the JSF audit agencies for us has an objective value over the opinions of too many "experts", we want to try and tell the story today question F-35 in a different way. As we would do at Motodays, one of the most important centauri events this weekend in Rome ...

In 2004 I needed a bike and had a limited budget. I wanted to be able to drive motorways and deal with some dirt roads.

The choice fell on one Transalp: simple, honest and above all very reliable. As for almost all road enduro use at the end to 99,9% results in a daily route without excesses. I never could (I can) support the alternative purchase of a cross bike, a touring car, a custom and / or a pure road. It was and is a compromise.

If I had been a wealthy man, maybe I would have a cross-country bike ride today in the garage, a road trip for long journeys and maybe ... a Harley? !!!

The resources were limited and the choice was affected by an economic compromise.

Is there a high-end "handyman"?

Of course, we could consider - to give an example - the Ducati Multistrada but it costs almost double. And today the Transalp is out of production after more than 5 decades of honored career (in 2008, however, it had already been dealt a blasphemous blow by reducing the front wheel by two inches ...).

La Multistrada it is a medium, sold in various versions and outfits, capable of satisfying almost any path and terrain with satisfaction. An excellent motorcycle whose owners generally only praise.

Let's go back to the point now. Can it ever be better than a dirt bike on the dirt track?


Will it ever be faster than a fast road?


It will certainly be better than mine Transalp, but it will never be able to match the performance of bikes made for a specific use.

Here, the F-35 question is all here. A compromise was chosen (90 F-35s) - boasting convenience with (or almost equal) performance - to replace a large number of very different aircraft for operational use (almost 250 between AMX, Harrier, Tornado).

Including the underlying error, it will be necessary to verify that at least the performances are from Multistrada, not from Transalp.

For now what would have to cost in the initial design as one Transalp we pay it as one Multistrada. We hope that in the end it will also go like the Ducati!

(photo: Ducati / Military Air Force)