Open letter to the commander in chief of the armed forces (Sergio Mattarella)


Mr President, I am writing to you because, 18 months after a war less than 700 kilometers from our eastern border, with hundreds of thousands killed and wounded, Italian soldiers are still boldly engaged in an improper and shameful "dual use”.

I refer to the Operation “Safe Streets”.

In 2008 the article of the law n°125 provided "For specific and exceptional crime prevention needs, where increased control of the territory is appropriate, a plan for the use of a contingent of military personnel belonging to the Armed Forces may be authorized, preferably carabinieri employed in military duties or in any case volunteers from the Armed Forces themselves specifically trained for the tasks to be performed.”

What was initially supposed to last six months is still standing today.

I ask her: after 15 years the "specific and exceptional needs" are have become chronic?

Unfortunately in our country there is nothing more definitive than the provisional and nothing is more provisional than the definitive.

The public security agents in Italy (not counting the 60.000 of the local police) are over 300.000. In a country that has more than double the agents of theEngland and a third more than France, the repeated accompaniment din 5000 militar Isn't that an insult to the very capabilities of our law enforcement agencies?

Of course, in quiet times, the funds of "Strade Sicure" made it possible to paint and/or patch up the otherwise non-existent barracks of the committed departments. Today the parameters have changed and we need to open our eyes.

President, I am addressing you because, sometimes, politics needs a call from above. Since the second state office is represented by those who wanted the Operation at the time (definitely right then) and today continues to defend it when even the previous Minister of Defense had understood its limits and consequences, downsizing it (v. the non-verbal language of the former minister Guerini in the video…), you need decisive action on your part.

His authority will be able to put an end to a service that has gone on well beyond the time limit e it will allow 5000 soldiers to occupy, in the worst case scenario, a trench after having trained to fight and not a certain coffin after having improperly guarded a sidewalk for years, under the sun and with weapons of war.

Andrea Cucco

Photo: Quirinale