I am (morally) with Pinotti


The last few weeks have been characterized by constant controversy. Some concerned military expenses: carousels between members of the defense committee of the Chamber were filmed with mobile phones, denounced "lobbying pressures" that "from different parties were exerted with intensity on different members of the commission in order to guide the opinion" and asked why of purchases for the Army and Navy, in the face of (further) cuts to the F-35s.

For over a month we have been waiting for the government to reveal the indications of the White Paper, a document that will answer (text from the Ministry of Defense) to the "big questions" that underlie national security and defense and the future of Armed forces, which will need to be answered precisely. The aim of the entire process consists in defining the objectives that the country intends to pursue, the methods and tools to be used for the protection and protection of its citizens, the territory, vital and strategic interests and national values. Considering that the elaboration of a fundamental document such as the aforementioned “White Paper” is aimed at defining the evolution strategy of the military instrument over the next fifteen years.

The perplexity was therefore: if there is not yet the White Paper to indicate the way how is it possible that choices have already been made on budgets and expenses?

The "non-delivery" - punishable by a military - of the document is not something attributable to a politician, I think it is an inability to understand Italy by those who should defend it.

I understood it a few days ago when I was invited to the inauguration of an Army aviation regiment in Viterbo.

- I asked the department's press officer.

- the answer.

I, despite the traffic, I managed to get a good ten minutes in advance.

So, if they told me ten o'clock, at least they will start at half past ten ... - I told myself.

And instead? The 10.00 ceremony does not begin!

For years I have attended conferences, conferences, public events. Half an hour late is an Italian liturgy, yet "these" say one thing ... and they do it.

With regard to the delay in publishing the White Paper, I therefore see no fault in the political / governmental part: the military are strange.

And so we sent them to many countries where "soon" means "sooner or later" and "tomorrow" at least "in a week". We have some of them (re-ri) sent also to India, the homeland of this indeterminacy.

But nothing, just do not get there. If they say "10" they mean "10.00" and if you say "by the end of the year" they understand "within the 31 December".

Madam Minister, I understand how difficult it is to have to deal with these national Martians and I feel the duty, even today, to take up its defense regarding the last controversy that arose for the announcement of the Navy concerning the departure of the Grecale frigate for the Atalanta mission, from her shortly after denied.

Perhaps it is not clear that politics is a theater in which the actors, not playing a definite part, often rely on the art of the great Totò, that of improvisation ?!

And some lounge commentators believe it is easy to be a minister in our country? !!!

When we are faced with certain attacks in parliament, what counts a great figure of the last century has defined: "fantasy, intuition, glance and speed of execution".

Certainly the speed of execution, in the last episode, had its contraindications ...

But I'm on his side. If there was a need for a linear and coherent policy we would not be Italian, we would probably say Arigata and we would not send military forces abroad.

Andrea Cucco