The Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte is a busy man: he writes almost every week DPCM that regulate our whole life and limit constitutionally guaranteed freedoms, but they are unable to bring back to the cell almost 400 of bosses and wingmen of the various Italian mafias ... simply because we citizens we have "the people's lawyer", while the mafia have real lawyers and balls.
The premier has been so busy with COVID-19, but it is the person who has made the final decision that allowed the release of the Italian cooperative in Kenya, Silvia Romano. It is, in fact, his "merit" if, as Corriere della Sera writes: "The proof (of existence) came to life and the price of the release was negotiated"1.
Who knows if the man sitting in the chair of De Gasperi, Fanfani and Andreotti will be in the right mood to communicate to the country the amount paid to the kidnappers, mediators, the Kenyan authorities to turn a blind eye and who knows how many others? He should do it because it is the money of the citizens that have been distributed to rain, without the delays of the INPS and the delays of the Regions, to finance the operations of terrorist organizations or, at best, the luxurious lifestyle of warlords, corrupt politicians and officials for sale. This is money that can also be reinvested to kidnap other Italians in Kenya.
Dear compatriots, remember this: when you land for holidays, next time, you will be like ATMs on two legs and this is what those in power in Italy want. And not from today, unfortunately. Only the premier on duty knows how much you are worth or, at least, he can calculate it with a good commercial negotiation while you or your loved ones languish in the mud.
Mind you, we are happy for Silvia's family and her friends, but we are sorry for all our other countrymen, who will be taken, tossed in the jungle and tortured next time until Conte or his replacement have the goodness to pay. In any case, we are always the usual Italians.
I would like, once, to hear: "No, we didn't bend" or "We only treated to build a hospital or an aqueduct in exchange for the person's life". Instead, by dint of bending we got to the ground.
And to think that the horrendous scourge of kidnappings by us was eradicated with the law number 82 of 1991 which established the obligation of "Seizure of assets belonging to the kidnapped person, spouse, and relatives and relatives living together". At the time, Andreotti, Craxi and Forlani ruled: they put those mafia members who had a good time at home to 41bis.
President, why don't we eradicate the horrendous crime of kidnappings to the detriment of our compatriots by preventing this and future governments, by law, from negotiating for money (but also diamonds, gold, etc.) with terrorist or criminal groups?
Photo: Presidency of the Council of Ministers