Today the Navy appears to be under investigation because, last November 9, shots from a ship that stopped a boat carrying 16 unscathed Egyptian criminals who had just left 176 in the inhuman disgraced stacked on a barge in a Mediterranean vessel left on board a ship. .
The incident occurred after two hours of notices in several languages that, probably having in mind to have in front of the Italians, had not had the slightest consideration. And this while a second ship of the Navy was providing assistance to the human cargo of which they had just been disposed of.
In the terrible, resounding and shocking video published on the site of Republic, you hear an automatic weapon, probably the MG framed, which explodes some gusts at a considerable distance from the boat on the run - we repeat: boat on the run with criminals on board who had just left 176 people in the middle of nowhere! - followed by some single strokes (evidently by a precision weapon) brought near the stern of the boat.
Now three considerations come spontaneously to me:
1) Congratulations to the marine rifleman for the excellent single shot pattern that made the escape stop!
2) What is the indictment that fellow countrymen should be concerned about, having brought potential massacres to justice? People who have no qualms about abandoning human beings in the sea and who would soon return with a new load.
3) Why, if the Navy does not want to break any of the ......, in these cases does not hoist a Russian flag?
The fugitives would stop as soon as escorted.
Andrea Cucco