Give him the greeting they deserve!

(To Andrea Cucco)

Writing for years of defense and geopolitics has used us to combat misinformation - from simple censorship to the most shameless manipulation of the facts - and to live with its consequence: a "democratically" public opinion flawed. Distortion of information can now be considered a form of art, given the complexity of the directorship: governments fall, personality fades, the common sense is felt. The "domestic" information, the one most directly in contact with the belly of citizens, has for many years been masterly orchestrated.

I'll explain. In a country in serious economic, political and above all social crisis, front page news seems to be produced to divert attention from the real problems - unresolved and often hardly unsolvable - of the nation. Presumed backstory, screzios or gossip occupy disproportionate spaces to the consistency of facts. The joke of a party secretary often prevails over institutional issues and abstract issues often infect life-related issues with the common man.

The same superficiality with which epochal issues are dealt with often distort us common mortals, giving way to commonplace or distorted interpretations. This is the case Ius Soli, discussed by insiders more with the logic of a chat bar that with the caution and the expertise it deserves.

The important thing is to distract you. This seems like a password. Unmistakably. It is a deliberate technique that serves to shift attention from the problems that politics are incapable of facing.

In this regard, looking back on a topic that has divided entire generations can always be convenient: what better then the instrumentalization of the ideologies of right and left?

For a long time the Italians who "perceived something strange" were divided and labeled as fascists or communists. For a long time they were disoriented believing that the antagonist par excellence was a Roman greeting or a socialist closed fist.

I firmly believe that the meaning of a raised hand - open or closed - has often been the desire to break a balance to look for truth and justice in the often questionable ways. For everyone.

These days, coincidentally just when the economic data indicate a further slowdown of our economy (!), We try again to mix the deck, creating artificial issues, but somehow aimed at limiting individual freedom, even if only that to get angry.

Strengthened by a tradition and children of an era in which comrades and comrades are considered enemies and not natural allies, strong in a tradition in which the thought is not that of "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend your right to say so ”, the political strategists still trust in the most Machiavellian solution: the social division will in any case favor power by guaranteeing stability to the seats and political continuity.

What to do then?

Undergo the umpteenth grasp for the pads outraged or pleased by the limitation of freedom of expression of the thought of others, or ... find an alternative.

There is an ancient gesture that can well summarize the mood of the overwhelming majority of Italians today. A raised arm that can not be banned yet. A popular manifestation of dissent that could have a clear meaning: we do not hunt anymore, the measure is full ... and this arm can not censure it!

Be wiser than them and join in a new sign of protest. Account yield time will come. Sooner or later.

(in the image detail of "Pollice Verso" by the French painter Jean-Léon Gérôme)