Coronavirus emergency: Italian citizens blocked in China returned to their homeland

(To Greater Defense)

The KC767 aircraft, prepared by the Ministry of Defense, took off from Wuhan tonight at 21.43 Italian and landed this morning at 10.00 at Pratica di Mare, for the evacuation of Italian citizens blocked in China following the health crisis.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, through the Foreign Ministry's Crisis Unit, in close coordination with the Ministry of Defense and Health, have made available a flight, coordinated by the Joint Force Summit Operational Command, to repatriate the Italian citizens stranded in Wuhan, the Chinese city most affected by the new coronavirus.

The Defense, in addition to supporting the air carrier and the specialized medical personnel of the Army and Air Force, has prepared the necessary support for the operation thanks to the use of the Pratica di Mare Airport as Entry Point, where in a short time, all the logistical structures necessary for disembarking operations and the health check of passengers in total safety were set up, also making the specialized team for the decontamination of personnel and aircraft at the military airport.

Passengers after health checks, at the biocontainment field structures, made available by the 3rd Wing of Villafranca, thanks to the viability ensured by the Carabinieri, were then transferred to a suitable structure made available by the Army, located inside the "military city" of Cecchignola on the southern outskirts of Rome, for the necessary health surveillance.