Taranto, degree for the marshals of the non-commissioned school

(To Marina Militare)

Today, in the main hall of the NCO school of the Navy of Taranto, in the presence of military and civil authorities, degrees in sciences and management of maritime activities to ninety-four marshals and four civilian students and degrees in nursing to eight marshals, under the gaze of the many family members from all over Italy.

The proclamation of the undergraduates, at the end of an intense training process that began with enrollment in the 2012/2013 academic year and lasted three years, was carried out by prof. Antonio Felice Uricchio, magnificent rector of the University of Bari "Aldo Moro".

The Navy has for some time started a relationship of solid collaboration with the university by stipulating some agreements for the university training of non-commissioned officers, including the degree course in Computer Science and digital communication, starting from the 2015/2016 academic year.

Soon the newly graduated marshals will reach their first service destinations, on board the naval units and at the territorial commands of the Navy and the Port Authorities.