Northern Readiness: legal training and indoctrination for the Royal Jordanian Navy

(To Marina Militare)

From 24 to 28 September 2023 in the city of Aqaba (Jordan) the Northern Readiness 2023, organized by the Combined Task Force 154, for training and indoctrination activities in favor of the Royal Jordanian Navy (RJN).

The activities carried out made it possible to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experience between partners to improve the effectiveness of military operations at sea.

These objectives were pursued thanks to legal indoctrination - with notions of international maritime law held by the Legad of CINCNAV - and practical exercises relating to the activities of Boarding and EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal), with the tutoring of Canadian operators and instructors from the marine brigade Saint Mark and Comsubin.

In detail, the legal indoctrination conferences dealt with the main topics of the legal regime of maritime spaces, UNCLOS, the legal bases for boarding operations, maritime piracy and the legal framework for the use of drones.

The theoretical part was followed by a practical part, with the demonstration of Boarding Team of RJN and Canadian operators, continuing with an EOD exercise and a demonstration navigation in formation in the waters near the Aqaba naval base.