Ship Vespucci and Luna Rossa meet again in Barcelona

(To Marina Militare)

After parting in Cagliari wishing fair winds and mutual "good luck" for their respective challenges, Nave Vespucci and the team of Red Moon they meet again on board the vessel in front of the regatta fields of the next edition of the America's Cup.

The weather and sea conditions did not allow the boat to go out and therefore the symbolic crossing between the crew this time took place on board the Vespucci where the team of Red Moon he lived a day as a sailor, helming and climbing ashore the masts of the Navy vessel.

Departed in the direction of Las Palmas (Canary Islands) with on board the officer students of the Naval Academy of Livorno engaged in the traditional education campaigns, Ship Vespucci continues its world tour in which it will travel more than 40.000 nautical miles, touching 31 foreign ports in 28 countries on 5 continents and the "Villaggio Italia" will be set up in the most important ports so that the world tour becomes, as well as a unitary expression of the values of the entire nation, also a driving force for our economy and for the dissemination of our culture. Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli instead he resumed training in view of the first America's Cup World Series which will take place in Vilanova i la Geltrú (Spain), scheduled from 13 to 17 September.

Ship Vespucci, a former UNESCO and UNICEF ambassador, also displays the flag of theInternational Maritime Organization (IMO) recently awarded for its constant commitment to environmental sustainability and sea protection initiatives, also emphasized by the United Nations on World Oceans Day with the announcement of the campaign made by the UN undersecretary general for the legal affairs Miguel de Serpa Soares.