Nave Bersagliere participates in the Active Endeavor operation


Today the frigate Bersagliere of the Navy will sail from La Spezia to join the NATO Second Naval Standing Group (Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 SNMG2) and to take part in the Active Endeavor operation which has the task of guaranteeing, controlling and securing the navigation in the waters of the Mediterranean.

Nave Bersagliere, under the command of the frigate captain Stefano Cossu, will supply with a crew of 165 military, his contribution in the international arena, after having recently concluded an intense activity in the "Marine Surveillance and Maritime Security Device" and the operation "Safe Sea" lasted four months.

The SNMG2, which also includes other NATO units, (the German FGS Hamburg, the English HMCS Winnipeg, the American USS Donald Cook and the two Spanish ESPS Santa Maria, ESPS Cantabria), is from last 25 June under the Command of Rear Admiral Jörg Klein of the German Navy, which will be boarded on the Hamburg Frigate (Flag Ship).

Source: Military Navy