Navy: born a child aboard the Bettica patrol boat

(To Marina Militare)

At 19.45 yesterday, 27 June 2016 aboard the patrol boat Bettica, of the Navy, included in the national maritime surveillance device Safe Sea, Francois Manuel was born, the son of two Cameroonian migrants rescued by the crew.

Mom and child are in excellent health and during the birth they were assisted by a pediatrician and a midwife of the Francesca Rava NPH-Onlus Foundation and by the nurse of the patrol boat Bettica.

The parents wanted to thank the crew of Nave Bettica adding to the name Manuel, which they had already chosen for the baby, the name of Francesco in French, the name of the ship's commander.

The patrol Bettica this morning he reached the port of Vibo Valentia with 762 migrants and a newborn on board.