Navy: the first launch of an Aster 30 missile from Nave Bergamini was carried out

(To Marina Militare)

Yesterday, the first launch of an Aster 30 telemetric missile from Nave Bergamini for the qualification of the extended self-defense ground-to-air missile system (SAAM ESD) was carried out at the Salto di Quirra inter-force range. Surface to Air Anti Missile System Extended Self Defense).

The SAAM ESD system makes it possible to extend the concept of self-defense of the simple launching unit to that of defending other units, as in the case of a naval group engaged in operational activity.

“The launch was carried out in full compliance with the planning we have developed. All the phases of the launch have faithfully reflected the expectations. The success of the launch confirms the excellent teamwork that during this complex activity we have carried out in perfect synergy with the industry "described the frigate captain Angelo Turco, of the Navy General Staff, responsible for the preparation and execution of the launch at the polygon.

The launch took place yesterday is one of the most important technical-experimental launches that the Navy carried out at the Salto di Quirra national range and represents, from a System-Country perspective, an important event that will favor the national industry of the “high technology ”also on foreign markets. This event also marks the return to the use, after four years, of the Sardinian polygon in compliance with the most modern environmental protection requirements. 

The missile system, whose production is under the responsibility of the Italian company MBDA IT, is composed of an AGIS calculator (System Interface Management Assembly) for the command and control functions, an active multifunction radar MFR-A (Multi-Function Radar - Active) for search, discovery, target tracking and missile guidance functions and from the group of two vertical launch modules Sylver A-50.

The qualification plan for the missile system will end with a subsequent launch, scheduled for next April 2017, which will take place with the SAAM ESD missile system in integrated mode with the on-board combat system (CMS, Combat Management System).

(photo: MBDA / MM archive)