The last farewell from Maestrale to Civitavecchia, next stop Livorno

(To Marina Militare)

Nave Maestrale today concluded its stop in the port of Civitavecchia. The frigate remained in the Lazio port from November 28 to December 2 and hosted many events including a conference organized with the Institute of Advanced Studies in Geopolitics and Auxiliary Sciences.

During the stop many were the activities carried out on board and great was the interest and curiosity of all those who took advantage of this last opportunity to visit the frigate.

Among all the events, the performance of the Navy Band and the High Representation Platoon on Sunday 29 at Piazza della Vita. Another important moment is the conference “Maritime Safety in the Mediterranean: importance and prospects”.

The conference, organized by the Navy and the Institute of Advanced Studies in Geopolitics and Auxiliary Sciences (IsAG) and moderated by Dr. Tiberio Graziani (President of IsAG), developed with a series of interventions by prof. Roberto Aliboni, IAI scientific advisor, of Rear Admiral Romano Sauro, president of the Italian Naval League, of dr. Pasqualino Monti, president of ASSOPORTI and extraordinary commissioner of the Port Authority of Civitavecchia-Fiumicino-Gaeta and of dr. Daniele Scalea, IsAG General Manager.

Maritime security was discussed in the Mediterranean, in light of the importance it has for the national culture and economy, on the eve of the sixth disposal of a unit of the Navy in the 2015.

In addition to the numerous schools, ANMI groups and the Naval League, Nave Maestrale hosted some special guests: on Monday the "Bulldogs basket Rignano" minibasket team and the "Coro dei Bimbi di Civitavecchia", on Tuesday, the San Michele Foundation Arcangelo Onlus and on Wednesday 1 December a representation of the Tirreno Dog Rescue School.

Also in Civitavecchia, the sale of chocolate hearts to Telethon and the photo exhibition of the WWF Turtle Project continued on board.

For Mistral Ship the date of the last flag is closer, after the stop in Civitavecchia and before returning to La Spezia, the frigate from today to Monday 7 December will stop in Livorno.

(see also "Moto and Maestrale, spectacular day!")