The Bettica and Cigala Fulgosi ships almost rescue 600 migrants over the weekend

(To Marina Militare)

599 are the migrants rescued between Saturday and Sunday by patrol boats Bettica e Cigala Fulgosi of the Navy during the patrol of the Strait of Sicily in the framework of the Operation Safe Sea.

Ship Brilliant Saturday 20 February rescued a dinghy by recovering 122 migrants later transferred to the German ship FGS Frankfurt engaged in the Operation "Sophia" by Eunavfor Med. Yesterday he rescued two other boats by embarking on 236 migrants who were transferred to the Harbor Master's ship Dactyl.

Ship Bettica she intervened yesterday in assistance to two boats in precarious floating conditions recovering 241 migrants with women and children. All migrants were transferred to the Romanian-flagged ship MAI 0201.

The two Navy patrol boats, at the end of the SAR operations, resumed patrolling within the “Mare Sicuro” air naval device that carries out activities of presence, surveillance and maritime security in the Central Mediterranean in order to ensure the protection of national interests by means of the protection of communication lines, commercial ships and off-shore platforms of national interest.