The Royal Navy and the Great War: Rome the Network (documentary)

(To Marina Militare)

Today we publish the third documentary, thus completing the 'triology' on the Great War and the Regia Marina, presented on 11 January and broadcast by RTV San Marino, concerning the role and contribution of the city of Rome in the first conflict world.

All roads lead to Rome and the Italian sailors, during the Great War, traveled a new one: that of the ether.

In fact, the first ever, the Inspectorate for the Defense of Traffic was established in Rome; that Central Command that was able to make the most of a totally new technology, namely that of electromagnetic waves.

He was not inspired by previous models; he invented them from scratch: from radiogoniometric surveys, to radio communications, passing through decryptions.

A center of command and centralized control that proved to be decisive for effectively countering the threat of German submarines against our merchant ships.

Thus it was that the Navy succeeded in bringing the 98 percent of the mercantile traffic directed to Italy safe and sound to its destination, thus allowing the factories to produce and the Italians to live and work during the conflict.

Given the concept of Central Command as a multiplier of forces, the next evolutions were Supermarina during the Second World War and CINCNAV (Command in Chief of the Naval Squad) with the advent of NATO.

A demonstration that in the Navy everything adapts, yesterday as today, to the most modern technologies and that the laws of the sea never change, as indeed the nature of human beings never changes.