The Military Navy Raiders Operating Group trains in the Monte Romano range

(To Marina Militare)

In recent days, the Comsubin Raiders have completed one of the most intense training periods, as part of the annual exercises. A complex activity, aimed at preparing the Navy special forces departments and developing the combat support capabilities of the San Marco regiment.

The activity, planned, organized and conducted by theTraining Office of the Raider Group, projected his own in the Monte Romano range Command Post Task Unit Maritime, using the support structures for the Comsubin operational departments, telecommunications, IT and installation defense.

The exercise, developed through a series of unit deployment simulations in different scenarios, aimed to test the technical / tactical procedures in a typically terrestrial environment.

During the operations the departments received a visit from the Comsubin commander, rear-admiral Paolo Pezzutti, accompanied by the commander of the Incursion Operational Group, captain of vessel Massimiliano Rossi, who went to the shooting range to directly attend the most important stages of training.