Young officers are preparing to become commanders

(To Marina Militare)

The 299th session began at the Augusta naval base naval command school, through which the young attending officers will develop their maneuvering skills and test their aptitude to become commanders of Navy ships.

The 7 lieutenants of the vessel, who for the first time are joined by an officer from the Maltese navy, have thus undertaken a training course that represents the pinnacle of the career process that began with entry into the Naval Academy.

Over the next month the officers, coming from all over Italy and belonging to the various professional realities of the Navy, will undergo two phases of training: the Maneuver training (Tir.Ma) and the Maneuver and Tactical Employment Training (Tir.MIT).

The Tir.Ma. will be carried out within the Augusta harbor with the aim of developing in future captains the techniques and procedures necessary to conduct the various mooring and unmooring maneuvers on the quay, setting a mark and anchoring, while the Tir.MIT will be aimed at developing the tactical conduct capability of naval units in the open sea.

“The naval command school represents a moment in which the attendees develop their sensitivity in the maneuver of naval units, also expressing their aptitude for command. Since 1926, the year the command school was established, this period has been common to all naval officers who have prepared and are preparing to carry out the particular and important role of commander of a Navy ship. The importance that the Navy gives to this training moment is represented by the fact that we are the only navy in the world to develop this course for young lieutenants who are preparing to become commanders", with these words the director of naval command school, Rear Admiral Alberto Tarabotto, began the 299th session.

La naval command school it is a unique institution of its kind, which for almost a century has allowed Navy officers to acquire and perfect - thanks to the teachings of expert "evaluator" commanders and commanders of naval units involved in the training phases - the necessary theoretical and practical notions to take command of naval vessels.

For this reason, since 1926, the command school represents the meeting point between officers of different specializations united by the common goal of becoming commander.