Trilateral exercise in Italy and the USA for the removal of explosive devices


The CADEX 1410 is the first trilateral multinational exercise between Italy - Spain - USA, which takes place in Spain, at the NATO base in Rota.

The aim of this activity is to train the IEDD operators (Improvised Explosive Device Disposal, improvised explosive devices) and CMD (Conventional Munitional Disposal) to reduce the risk of conventional and non-conventional explosive devices, which represent a very severe threat for the West (IED) and a high risk in the foreign countries that in recent years have been the scene of clashes (CMD).

From 6 to 11 October the soldiers of the EOD platoon of the 1st regiment of the San Marco marine brigade, who are trained and trained to neutralize any type of explosive device in order to carry out the tasks of the institute, participated in the trilateral EOD.

The training offered to Italian specialists in the remediation navy on the ground, the opportunity to meet in a NATO reality in which the experiences lived on the field by each country were shared and interacting between Italian, Spanish and American specialists to reduce the distances geographical areas in order to solve the common problem of the fight against the device.

Source: Military Navy