Last Monday, 31 July, at the headquarters of the second naval division in the Mar Grande naval station in Taranto, an implementing agreement was signed between the Navy and the department of juvenile justice for the Puglia and Basilicata regions. To ratify the agreement, which was born as a coherent development of a previous framework agreement signed in 2022 in Rome, at Palazzo Marina, headquarters of the general staff of the Navy, the director of the department of juvenile justice for Puglia and Basilicata, dr. De Leonardis, and, for the Navy, the admiral of division Giacinto Sciandra, commander of the second naval division of Taranto (Comdinav Due).
The main points of the agreement include the research and promotion of technical-operative synergies aimed at creating training courses dedicated to young people aged between 14 and 25 who are at risk of delinquency. Through training projects related to the world of the sea and its values, the initiative aims to promote rehabilitation, integration and overcoming the discomfort that often afflicts this age group, supporting young people in their path of integration into a context social constructive.
The second division of Taranto and the naval station Great Sea they will play a fundamental role in the implementation of the agreement, being the main players in the identification of spaces and resources for the realization of the educational paths proposed by the department.
"With its wide range of skills and knowledge, the second naval division will be committed to providing the structures and resources necessary for the implementation of projects that will contribute to the growth, training and integration of our young people" articulates Admiral Sciandra on the occasion of the event.
The Navy, which has always stood out for the promotion of the values of responsibility, commitment and dedication, finds in this collaboration a new opportunity to put its experience in the field of training and support for the growth of young people at the service of society. The connection with the sea, its traditions and respect for nature and others represent fundamental elements in the rehabilitation and social reintegration of young people at risk.
This agreement marks an important step forward in promoting youth well-being and social security in the Puglia and Basilicata regions. Thanks to the synergy between two such different and complementary institutional bodies, it will be possible to create innovative and engaging training programs, capable of inspiring young people and helping them to build a better future for themselves and for the society in which they live.
A new chapter in the cooperation between the Navy and the juvenile justice department has been defined, demonstrating how the defense sector and justice can unite in a common cause, working together for the good of the country. This collaboration represents only the beginning of further projects and initiatives aimed at promoting the future of young people, favoring their development and creating a more inclusive and resilient society.