4th Naval Aviation Meeting in Maristaer Grottaglie

(To Marina Militare)

​​​On 5 October 2023, the 4th Naval Aviation meeting took place at the Grottaglie Aircraft Station.

The event involved active and retired personnel (pilots, operators, specialists and technical officers), reviving the esprit de corps that has always characterized Air Force personnel.

The day, attended by the commander of the Air Force, Rear Admiral Giancarlo Ciappina, represented an important moment of sharing between the aviators of the past and the aviators of the present and saw the large presence of families, confirming everyone's closeness and affection those belonging to the Naval Aviation in service and not.

The historical Naval Aviation hall, a precious container of collective memory and air-naval tradition, established right at the Grottaglie base in 2020, allowed participants to retrace the history that has seen flight crews as protagonists for over a century now, safeguarding the ideals and values ​​of aviators, flight operators and specialists of the Air Force of the Navy.​