Civilian controllers of ENAV take part in an exercise of the Armed Forces

(To Greater Defense)

Among the most significant innovations of the 18 Joint Stars is the activation, within the direction of the exercise, of a JACC (Joint Airspace Coordination Cell) cell for air traffic control. In particular, the cell is made up of personal air traffic controllers of the Air Operations Command IT-AOC - Department of Coordination and Control of the Air Force and supported by the civilian personnel of ENAV, the national company for air traffic control.

The close cooperation in the field of military and civil representatives, strongly desired since the planning stage of the exercise from Interforze Summit Operational Command of the Defense General Staff, allows to optimize the use of the national airspace by making the activation of the areas reserved for the dynamic and flexible training activities, significantly minimizing the impact on the commercial air traffic flows in transit on Sardinia and on the Tyrrhenian Sea.

The JACC cell also works in close coordination with the departments of the Air Operations Command Deputies for the management of structures and the control of air defense, including, at the military airport of Decimomannu, the IT-DARS (Italian Deployable Air Control Center), one of the command and control expressed by Mobile Command and Control Department, and from the 22 ° Radar Group.