Immigration between geopolitics and ideology
From Neanderthals onwards, migration flows are regulated by an axiom: they are associated with the idea of ​​going somewhere to find something. Even a fool understands ...
Terrorism: instructions for use
The terrorist is not stupid. The terrorist is an entrepreneur, calculates costs and benefits, evaluates carefully and scientifically plans any move. The terrorist has ...
Libya and surroundings: foreign policy sought
The advantages of not having a foreign policy can be summarized essentially in three points: - You save a lot of time; - You can rely on the lucky star, trusting in ...
European Union - [...] when the cretins make Boo [...]
Reading the news of these last hours, in relation to the miraculous 19 pages of the Mogherini plan for immigration, the verse of the famous Sanremo song of ...
From the Ukrainian front - chap. 5 (END): The men of war who do not tell
Ukraine with spring is less news. There was no resumption of hostilities in style. The snow goes away but all the rest remains. Donetsk airport, flooded with ...
Australia Fortress of the New Century - cap.2: Migrant Strategic Issue
Without feeling indebted to La Palice, we can argue that everything that happens affects the fabric of the community in which we live and changes more or less slowly ...
National interest and myopia political alliances
With the end of the South Stream project, Italy has shown, once again, its marginality in foreign policy. The renewed atlantism of recent times, tank of ...
Australia Fortress of the New Century - cap.1: Migrant Strategic Issue
In spite of the politically correct, there is a country that plans a strategy of existence in the long term without too many frills. We speak of Australia, ironically ...

From the Ukrainian front - chap. 4: The Minsk agreements seen by a tank
Road between Luhansk and Debaltsevo. It is the northern part of the Donbass, now all filorussa. In front of the casing of an 72 T, ...
Yemen: absurd stories of a banal war
The Yemeni spring continues to smell of war and death. Under the ultra-luxury bombs of the Saudi monarchy are ...
From the Ukrainian front - chap. 3: What Azov are we talking about?
Broken glass and chipped walls. There is more order in the rubble of the Donetsk airport than in the western minds ...
An announced merger: the union between Boko Haram and the Islamic State
7 March 2015 leader of fundamentalist association Boko Harām, Abubakar Shekau, has promised loyalty to the leader ...
From the Ukrainian front - cap.2: One day in Donetsk
Sleeping with light is not easy. With the flashes of the mortars then, even less. The windows vibrate, it seems the fortune. There...
In good and bad Sirte
Many things have changed in the last thirty years. To understand it, just think that in Sanremo in 85 there was Zucchero, in ...
Suicide terrorists: intelligent human weapons
The main purpose of the terrorists is to spread anxiety and fear among the civilian population; the methods used are many ...
Islam, terror and we are all right
Islam equal terrorism is the adage proposed to the public for the third millennium, it works well, it costs little, ...
From the Ukrainian front - cap.1: Bus Kramatorsk-Donetsk
6 hours. The ticket is made by the driver, grizzled ladies who have not laughed for a few years. Costa 150 hryvnia, almost 5 € ....
Inhibition of military assistance to governments in internal armed conflict?
Since the beginning of the airstrikes, conducted by the United States Air Force, against the ISIS forces ...
The whispers from the Yemeni war
Operation Battle Decisive has definitely lost credibility. Saudi Arabia continues to bomb the ...
Threats to security and change in the nature of the conflict
The following article aims to analyze in general some of the most significant elements that ...
