Rome: the Air Force also present at the Moto Days (8-11 March 2018)

(To air Force)

From 8 to 11 March 2018, the Air Force will be present at the Nuova Fiera di Roma at the 10th Edition of Moto Days, Motorbike and Scooter show in central and southern Italy.

After the extremely positive feedback from past editions, once again this year the Armed Force will focus on variety and completeness of display, richness of content, interactivity with the public, vehicle tests and the quality of the scheduled events.

The technology applied to engines is increasingly born in the aeronautical world: electronics, braking systems, hydraulic systems, alloys and composite materials. The constant experimentation of the Italian Air Force in the field of aerodynamics, whose study has always been a prerogative of the flight, is essential.

At Hall 6 Stand A24, the Italian Air Force will present itself with a flight simulator of the aircraft Euro Fighter. There will also be two-wheeled vehicles available for the Arma Azzurra, with interactive activities aimed at visitors who will be able to experience the equipment and means available in person.

During the four days of the Expo, the Air Force staff will be available to visitors to direct the public to the aeronautical world, providing information on the professional opportunities that the Armed Forces offers to young people, on the history of the Air Force, as well as on topics of aeronautical news. Furthermore, the staff of the Air Force Magazine will provide all the information on the official magazine of the Armed Forces.

(Photo: Online Defense)