The presentation of the 4th edition of the 'Glossary of Law of the Sea', published by Admiral Fabio Caffio and published by Rivista Marittima, directed by Captain Stefano Romano, was held in Rome at the CONFITARMA headquarters at Palazzo Colonna. The manual, whose first publication dates back to the 1993, proposes an updated version of the fundamental 'Glossary' whose remarkable usefulness has been illustrated in the presence of the author by division admiral Aurelio de Carolis, by prof. emeritus Natalino Ronzitti and prof. Ida Caracciolo. Numerous figures from the academic world, civil society and the military participated in the round table.
The manual, which is particularly useful for those wishing to study the issues of the law of the sea, intends to extend its scope to international relations by citing disputes and disputes that have occurred in the maritime sphere. It is not by chance that the Glossary has as its subtitle the term "Law and Geopolitics of the Maritime Spaces". The reader who has it has the possibility to browse through a tool of rapid consultation that "voice by voice" treats all the issues concerning the Law of Sea and international relations related to the Maritime Spaces and the Geopolitics of the sea.
During the conference the amm. De Carolis - who was commander of the flagship of our fleet, the aircraft carrier cruiser Cavour, now head of department plans, operations and maritime strategy - recalled the 'practical' use he made of the manual in numerous cases that saw him involved in the front line during his career.
Professor Caracciolo, who cited events of considerable resonance in the manual to highlight the relevance of the Law of the Sea - one in all, the recent dispute over the stretch of the Chinese Sea between the Philippines and China - concluded her speech with a famous quote from the navigator British Sir Walter Raleigh leaving no room for doubt about the necessary knowledge and mastery of the sea and its laws: "Who dominates the sea dominates the commerce of the world, who dominates the commerce of the world has the control of the wealth of the world and consequently controls the world."
(photo of the author)