"Pivoli, start swiming on your own!"

(To Francesco Bergamo)

"Pivoli", start swimming alone, but respecting the rules. Wanting to summarize this is what was transmitted to the students at the opening of the 2016 school year at Naval Military School "Francesco Morosini" of Venice.

It might seem like a mockery, but "pivoli" is how the younger students are kindly indicated and "swimming alone, but respecting the rules" is the ultra-simplified sum of the interventions of the authorities present: from the Prefect of Venice to the admiral of Ruzittu team. Attending the opening is not just the glance of the banners that parade in perfect order, carried with confidence and determination by very young boys and girls wearing their beautiful blue uniforms. Attending the opening means understanding how much will there is in adults, in this case the military and civil authorities, to transmit in the shortest possible time (the duration of their interventions) all the reasons that have traced their already vast professional career so that they can be of reflection and stimulus to the future ruling class. But it also means seeing how much will of learning and determination the young and highly selected students can incredibly express. This year the students of the first course are 66 divided as follows: 51 students of the Scientific High School, of which 16 girls; 15 students of the Liceo Classico, of which 10 girls. 

Dr. Adelchi d'Ippolito, Deputy Prosecutor of the Republic and District Anti-Mafia and Anti-Terrorism Coordinator of Venice, held a highly appreciated keynote on the "justice system between political power and civil society". Dr. d'Ippolito also declared, with a little emotion, that his dream was precisely to enter Morosini, but that life gave him another path.

Morosini is, as we say today, "the core business" of the Navy that has invested in the school precisely to create men and women of which the country can be proud. The president of the Allievi Naval Military School Association, Dr. Francesco Businaro, in his speech, always very appreciated by the students and by the guests (even those in disguise because he is not in uniform) has stressed the fortune of having a teaching body of very high professional value. He also reassured the students' parents by bringing his double experience as a former student and father.

Team Admiral Ruzittu, Commander of the Navy Schools, gave his last speech, a brave will retire, to the students of Morosini. The Admiral greeted the students with words of encouragement and incitement to never give up on tradition because one of the pillars of military life and before his farewell thanked the Commander Fabbri and the teaching staff for their commitment in the direction of the school.

The parents, although relieved by the speeches of the authorities, were visibly moved but proud. Surely they will be the ones who suffer the most, because the "pivoli" will be completely absorbed by the new extraordinary adventure that will last for three years.

"Pivoli", the Navy has arranged everything so that you can have the best of the best in teaching and logistics. From now on you will have to swim alone. Pale at the bow!

(photo: Marina Militare)