The Navy at the 12th Rally of the Historic Sailing of Viareggio

(To Marina Militare)

On the occasion of the 12 ^ edition of the Viareggio Historical Sails rally, the Navy will be present with four boats, jewels of the sea that represent an important part of the history of our Italian navy. From the 13 to the 16 October they will stop in the port of Viareggio Nave Capricia, Ship North Star (photo), Ship Arctic II of the Ship Chaplin:

Important stories behind the four boats of the Navy that will compete with numerous important classic and vintage boats in the waters off Viareggio for 3 racing days. That of Viareggio is the last stage included in the AIVE calendar (Associazione Italiana Vele d'Epoca) 2016, the last chance to meet again before the winter break.

The four boats, which aim to contribute to the training of future officers and non-commissioned officers of the Navy, will be moored until October 16 in the port of Viareggio and will be open daily for visits in favor of citizenship from the end of the regattas to the 19: 00.