The lectio magistralis of Admiral Luigi Binelli Mantelli


This morning the chief of staff of the defense, Admiral Luigi Binelli Mantelli, held a lectio magistralis on the "Role of the Armed Forces in the current geostrategic context" at the LUISS "Guido Carli" University of Rome.

The conference began with the greetings of the general director of LUISS, Giovanni Lo Storto, and Bernardo Giorgio Mattarella, professor of administrative law at the same university.

Admiral Binelli Mantelli then took the floor and provided a picture of the geo-strategic scenarios of reference for the country, analyzing the commitments that await the armed forces in the near future at national, NATO, UN and European (EU) and the consequent role of the military instrument, underlining that "the armed forces, without political will, are not only not usable, but they do not even constitute a deterrent, because a deterrent is the ability but also the willingness to use the armed forces".

It was a day of in-depth study and debate on the evolution of the missions of the Italian armed forces to understand what the future prospects will be in such a delicate period for the country and the whole of Europe.

After the lectio magistralis by the head of SMD followed the testimony of General Salvatore Farina, former commander of the NATO KFOR mission in Kosovo, who presented the book “More together for Kosovo” published by Informazioni della Difesa.

The conference took place in the presence of high officials of the civil and military world including the general commander of the Carabinieri of the Tullio Del Sette.

Today's initiative is part of the course of public law institutions held by the Roman university.

Monica Palermo