Visions: this is the theme of the XXIX ^ edition of the International Book Fair, staged in Turin until May 16. A topic that wants to give space to the experiences of those who have the ability to look far ahead, to give themselves and overcome difficult, almost impossible challenges, to work for the future, devising innovative and far-sighted projects. A theme and a way of being, that of the visionaries, which is well linked to the presence at the Armed Forces Show that with capacity, operativeness and communicative wisdom, operate daily in favor of the community.
"That of Defense at an event like the Salone del Libro is not a casual commitment - said Defense Minister Roberta Pinotti. - We think that culture is fundamental, we keep our history in an extremely careful way: we take care of it, we cultivate it, we hand it down because it is a very important piece of Italian history. IS the memory for us it is vital: without memory it is difficult to imagine the future ".
Several events were organized during the five days, including the presentation of the book "Europe year zero”Of the journalist Eva Giovannini; "The weapon of memory"By journalist Paolo Mieli,"Because women are worth”By the writer Sabrina Scampini, a precious opportunity to address the issue of the presence of women in the Armed Forces. Key event, the presentation of the book "Italian Blue Helmets"Which traces for images sixty years of peacekeeping with the United Nations in regions of the planet struck by bloody conflicts: from Cambodia to Guatemala through Mozambique, Darfur, the Middle East, Western Sahara, Namibia and many others.
"The Italian soldiers operating in peace missions abroad carry out strategic tasks, they know how to be balanced, neutral and with their work they give prestige to the country - affirmed during the presentation the Chief of Defense Staff, General Claudio Graziano. - In addition to an in-depth technical and professional training, they have a typically Italian approach, the one that is called Italian way to peacekeeping, which has allowed the Italian Armed Forces to be appreciated all over the world, thanks to the marked ability to dialogue with the populations of the crisis areas in which one operates".
There were moments for the little ones: from the presentation of the "Small aviator manual”, A work dedicated to children with disabilities (blind, visually impaired, deaf, autistic and dyslexic) who allow them to enjoy the thrill of flying, to participate in the stand of the captain of the Air Force and ESA astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti, who with a language simple, he explained to the small and curious visitors how to become an astronaut and what experiences they try to live in space.
New this year the presence of panels with significant images that summarize the work that the Army, Navy, Air Force and Arma dei Carabinieri carry out daily in Italy and abroad for peace and security. Next to the images, dedications made to our soldiers by prominent people from the world of culture, entertainment and ordinary citizens.