An event dedicated to children, their world, their creativity and their imagination; a moment of growth through play and fun, an opportunity to learn important values, perhaps too complicated for their age, but certainly useful for their future: we are talking about the Children's Festival, now in its third edition and on stage, until Sunday 17 April, in Florence.
Also present this year, after the success of the 2015 edition, the Ministry of Defense. "The Children's Festival - declared EI major Giuseppe Saponaro - represents an important appointment to convey to children the sense of the culture of Defense, albeit in a playful and carefree context. For the Armed Forces it is a privilege to be able to have this opportunity of confrontation with the generations that represent the future of our country and on which we count a lot".
There are many activities planned and with which to measure oneself: from the rock wall to the military sports course, from the helicopter landing simulation to learning the techniques to handle the dangerous substances used by the NAS during their operations. The Military Geographical Institute is also open to the public for a journey into ancient and contemporary cartography, with the possibility of obtaining the "cartographer" diploma for a day.
Responsible and charged with social value the theme chosen for this edition "New Worlds - Together is Better", a theme close to the Defense as Saponaro himself underlined "Together it is better is a concept dearly dear to the Armed Forces that operate, more and more, in Italy and abroad, with an inter-force connotation. This is why the communicative message of the event appears to be very close to the values inspired by the daily work of men and women with stars. Values that, even in moments of leisure and carefree like these, can be transmitted in the awareness that the experience of human contact is never something unchanging over time. Also for this reason, the Italian Army, the Navy, the Air Force and the Carabinieri are pleased to have said, once again, this. We are there".
Presented in this edition, on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Florence flood and for the first time ever, an 'inter-force camp for the rescue of the population' with useful predispositions in the event of disasters, such as the genius assets (EI) for the construction of an embankment, the water purifier and the field kitchen. An innovative project, but also a real game station.