Indicate the Seafuture awards: registration within the 4 May, here's how to participate

(To Sea Future)

In the context of Seafuture - an international exhibition dedicated to naval and maritime innovations scheduled for the 19 at the 23 June 2018 within the Maritime Military Arsenal of La Spezia - two prizes have been announced: the Seafuture Awards 2018, intended for graduates, doctoral students and research doctorates and the Seafuture Awards 2018 - High Schools aimed at students in the last two years of high school.

Al Seafuture Awards 2018, now in its second edition, can contribute to theses whose object is products or processes in the field of marine technologies that can be used in dual-use sectors, which use innovative materials, which include refitting activities, which make use of IoT technologies, which concern the robotics or having a low environmental impact.

Al Seafuture Awards 2018 - High Schools, at the first edition, intends to enhance theses or elaborate disclosures on topics, products or processes in the field of marine technologies, whose main theme is the protection of the environment and biomimetics as a source of inspiration for the improvement of technologies.

The selection of the works will be carried out by a Scientific Committee made up of representatives of universities, research centers and companies representing the organizing partners of the event. To participate you must register within 4 May 2018. Information and announcement at the address The awards ceremony will take place on June 22 within the Maritime Military Arsenal of La Spezia.

Seafuture is organized by: DLTM - Consorzio Tecnomar Liguria, Marina Militare, Eiead, Aiad and with the collaboration of the ICE Agency, the Liguria Region and the Municipality of La Spezia.

Promotion organized by BLUE HUB - Special Business Chamber of Commerce Riviere di Liguria.

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