Rome - This morning, at the Historical Museum of the Carabinieri of Piazza Risorgimento, in the presence of the deputy commander of the Arma dei Carabinieri, general ca Antonio Ricciardi, the exhibition "La Musica e l'Arma" was inaugurated.
The exhibition, presented by the Museum, from theHistorical Office of the general command and the Arma gang will be open from tomorrow to 29 January 2017 (every day, except Monday, from 9 to 13).
The initiative includes some thematic meetings dedicated to the relationship between the Arma dei Carabinieri and the Music according to the calendar shown in the appendix. Care has been taken to reproduce images capable of highlighting the relationship between the police and music; in addition to those included in a path that enhances the historical and cultural heritage already exhibited in the museum rooms, documents and memorabilia of historical interest have been selected, including:
- the provisional elementary instruction approved on 1 October 1820, which represents the first document defining the use of trumpeters and the positions occupied by the "trumpet brigadier" and by the trumpets, "in the order of battle, in the parade or revista and in column order to parade ”;
- the trumpeter uniform of the royal carabinieri, already represented in 1833 with the “Regulations for the monture”;
- the ancient drappelle, adopted for the trumpets of the carabinieri and granted by decree signed by Vittorio Emanuele III in 1925.
The exhibition was created with the collaboration and support of the historical office of the Defense staff.
Program of events:
- 20 December 2016, open to the public
- 22 December 2016, Christmas concert by the "Salvo D'Acquisto" choirs and the local Roma Capitale police force
- 12 January 2017, conference on "Music and the Weapon" by the general b. Claudio Domizi
- 19 January 2017, musical event by the Band of the Weapon
- 26 January 2017, Round table on Music in the history of the weapon through documents, images, memories.
General b. (r) Vincenzo Pezzolet, historian of the Weapon, Lieutenant Colonel Massimo Martinelli, director of the band of the Weapon, Lieutenant Colonel Flavio Carbone, responsible for theHistorical Archive, Lieutenant Laura Secchi, deputy director of the Museum.