Undersecretary Tofalo receives representatives of the Japan Security Committee

(To Massimiliano Rizzo)

The Undersecretary of State for Defense Angelo Tofalo today received a delegation from the Permanent Committee on Security and the Defense and Foreign Representatives of the Japanese Government, on an institutional visit to Italy at Palazzo Aeronautica.

During the bilateral meeting, topics of common interest were discussed, such as national security, cyber defense and current international scenarios, in particular the geopolitical situation of North Africa and the Mediterranean.

"Italy is a welcoming nation. At the recent NATO summit in Brussels we asked for a redistribution of migrants who are interested in all the countries of the European Union", Said Undersecretary Tofalo answering a question on the management of the migratory phenomenon,"Our policy aims to strengthen relations with the countries of Africa in order to monitor the landings and not suffer them, governing the phenomenon as a whole".

Undersecretary Tofalo then focused on the issue of security "increasingly participated and collective, it represents an investment for the benefit of everyone. With this in mind, we are working as a Government in raising awareness and facilitating the Public Administration and companies to invest more in the cyber security sector.". 

"Italy is today engaged in the technological development of various programs at the international and national level", Said Undersecretary Tofalo, taking the opportunity to draw attention to the importance of cooperation in the defense field between the two countries, hoping that"further strengthened thanks to the sharing of long-lasting technological projects. Sharing our know-how, and carrying out continuous cultural and academic exchanges is essential to obtain considerable and common advantages".

At the end of the meeting the Japanese delegation emphasized that "Italy represents for Japan one of the main Western countries with which to dialogue and cooperate in development and technological research". A meeting that renewed and strengthened the already excellent bilateral relations between the two countries. In the 2017, in fact, Italy and Japan have signed the Memorandum on Defense Trading and Cooperation and the Agreement between the Italian Government and the Japanese Government of Defense Material and Technology.

The first diplomatic reactions between Japan and Italy date back to 25 in August 1866, with the Treaty of Friendship and Commerce. In the 150 years since the signing, relations between the two countries have been constantly friendly.