Great success for the second call for tenders which offered a concession for up to 50 years, 20 between lighthouses, towers and coastal buildings owned by the state. At the expiry date, 54 proposals have arrived for the recovery and reuse of these structures of historical and landscape value along the Italian coasts by Italian and foreign real estate investors, associations, individual entrepreneurs and companies in the hotel sector.
"The great interest in the Value Country Fari 2016 project once again confirms the validity of the idea and is the result of a fruitful collaboration between central and territorial administrations, local communities and the business world."Commented the CEO of Difesa Servizi SpA Fausto Recchia, who then added"this initiative also demonstrates a shift in the Armed Forces' valorisation in a dual sense of their real estate assets with a targeted approach to guaranteeing the security system, in this maritime case and, at the same time, recovering resources for the state budget, generating wealth and employment for the country."
Today, with the opening, in public session, of the packages, the phase of evaluation of the offers begins, aimed at verifying the formal correctness of the documentation presented by the participants.
The suitable proposals will be evaluated according to the "economically most advantageous" offer criterion, given by the project component (evaluated with a score equal to 60%) and by the economic component (maximum score equal to 40%).
The evaluation of the project proposal will take into account qualitative elements such as: solutions for the recovery of structures, maintenance, public usability, contribution to sustainable local development and the possibility of creating a network between multiple structures, through a network of shared services and activities.
The project proposals will be able to accommodate cultural, social and sporting initiatives and events and to discover the territory together with tourist, accommodation, catering, recreational, educational and promotional activities.
"Once again, entrepreneurs, associations and citizens responded enthusiastically to such a significant project - commented the director of the State Property Agency Roberto Reggi - bringing these structures back to life means not only recovering them, thanks to valorisation projects, but above all making them available to the community, creating new jobs, feeding the rebirth of the beautiful places where they are found. We are very satisfied because this year, unlike the first edition, the portfolio included in the announcement was varied and, not only including lighthouses, more difficult to put on the market. The number of offers received has instead confirmed that if you work well to build really attractive recovery operations, participation is there and the results come."
For the buildings managed by Difesa Servizi SpA, the offers were: 4 for the Faro della Guardia in Ponza (LT), 1 for the Faro di Torre Preposti in Vieste (FG), 7 for the Punta Polveraia lighthouse in Marciana Elba Island (LI), 6 for the Formiche Faro in the islet Grande Formica (GR), 3 for the Lighthouse of Punta Libeccio in the Island of Marettimo (TP), 2 for the Lighthouse of Punta Spadillo in Pantelleria (TP) , 4 for the Lighthouse of Capo Mulini in Acireale (CT), 3 for the Lighthouse of Capo Milazzo in Milazzo (ME) and 4 for the Lighthouse of Capo Faro in S. Maria di Salina - Island of Salina (ME).
For structures under management at the Agenzia del Demanio, the offers were subdivided as follows: 4 for the Punta del Pero Pavilion in Syracuse, 2 for the Florio Stand in Palermo, 4 for the Capo Zafferano Lighthouse in Santa Flavia (PA), 2 for the Torre Castelluccia Bosco Caggioni in Pulsano (TA), 1 for the Convent of S. Domenico Maggiore Monteoliveto, 2 for the Lighthouse of Po di Goro in Goro (FE) and 5 for the Faro Spignon on the island of Spignon in Venice.