Forte dei Marmi: Undersecretary of Defense Rossi at the National Granatieri meeting

(To Staff)

The Undersecretary of State for Defense Rossi participated on Sunday "as a grenadier among the grenadiers" in the 33rd national meeting of the Sardinian grenadiers association which took place in Forte dei Marmi to commemorate the 961 Tuscan grenadiers who fell in the First World War. 

In the midst of the centenary of the Victory, the undersecretary recalled those who fell in the First World War, "there are no wars that must be celebrated, every war conflict is the cause of death, destruction and poverty"Said Rossi,that's why our women and men with stars are engaged in missions across national borders to safeguard peace, democracy and security".

In Forte dei Marmi ended with the warm embrace of citizenship to the Army Grenadiers, a three-day event that saw thousands of people invade the city with parades and the historical carousel.

"Whenever I participate in ceremonies like this where hundreds of military on duty and on leave along with family and friends gather, I always wonder what is the reason for so much enthusiasm", Said Rossi in his speech,"The answer is always the sharing of the values ​​of democracy, peace and the meaning of Patria".

Heirs of the ancient Regiment of the Guards, created by Duke Carlo Emanuele II of Savoy, the Grenadiers of Sardinia remain the continuing ideals and custodians of the oldest tradition of glory of the Italian Army, which they have confirmed in all the conflicts in which they have been the flags of the corps are called to duty: from the Risorgimento wars to the two world wars, up to the defense of Rome and the War of Liberation. Today the Grenadiers are professionals, active protagonists in the multiple and complex operations of the Defense for the security of the country, in support of international stability and peace.

In concluding his speech, Undersecretary Rossi then expressed words of appreciation to the National Association of Grenadiers of Sardinia for the organization of the meeting, recalling the importance of all the Combatting and Weapon Associations that "they contribute with concrete facts to carry forward the values ​​of brotherhood, democracy and freedom, transmitting them to the new generations". 

Domenico Rossi, already deputy chief of the army, was the 87esimo commander of the brigade Granatieri si Sardegna at his command since September 2000 in September 2001.