DIFESA SERVIZI SpA: Notice of 2016 tender for the promotion of Lighthouses was published

(To Defense Services)

This morning the Official Journal of the Italian Republic was published on 2016 call for tenders of the project Value Country FARI. The event was announced last night, at the "Caio Duilio" Navy Club, by the managing director of Difesa Servizi SpA Fausto Recchia and the director of the State Property Agency, Roberto Reggi.

The managing director of Difesa Servizi SpA stated in the project that "Enhancing, with a dual approach, military buildings no longer entirely used for operational defense tasks reduces costs for the public administration and represents an opportunity for development for the territory"."This initiative - continued the lawyer Fausto Recchia - it is an opportunity to return military goods to local communities, taking them away from degradation and recovering additional resources for public administration".

Strengthened by the success of the 2015, this new edition of the project involves 20 state-owned assets, of which 10 of the Ministry of Defense, distributed along the Italian coasts. A real estate portfolio diversified by type and uniqueness: not only lighthouses, but also towers and coastal buildings can be reborn thanks to this initiative.

By 19 December 2016 citizens, associations and companies will be able to present a recovery and re-use project, through a free offer, and thus participate in the tender for the granting up to a maximum of 50 years of these assets of great historical and landscape value. In the evaluation of the offers the qualitative aspects will be considered more, for a total weight of 60%, compared to the economic elements that will instead have a weight equal to 40%.

All information and tender notices will be available on www.difesaservizi.it www.agenziademanio.it, in the dedicated section accessible directly from the Home Page.