After the success of the conference "Emergencies and urgencies in extreme environments", the health service of the Diving and Inshore Pools “Teseo Tesei” presents the 3rd medical conference on the topic “Health and functionality of the craniofacial district in Special Forces operators” in favor of civilian and military doctors and researchers from all over Italy.
The conference, named after the medical captain Bruno Falcomatà gold medal for military valor and health service chief of the Navy's assault vehicles during the Second World War, will take place in Comsubin on 27 and 28 May 2016.
From a scientific point of view, the conference will deepen the maxillofacial pathologies by deepening, in particular, the dynamics inherent to the working aspects of divers.
Of absolute interest for the congressmen and the media who will participate, will be the training activity of Diving Operations Group which, through the SPAG (Submariner Parachute Assistance Group) Nucleus in its pro-civex version, will conduct a rescue to shipwrecked people and
men and equipment from an EH 101 helicopter of the 1 ° Helicopters Group by Maristaeli Luni.
Captain doctor Bruno Falcomatà
Gold medal for military valor for the official medical memory of eminent qualities, he combined the excellence of the mind successfully dedicated to scientific investigations, firmness of character, generosity of purpose, spirit of unlimited sacrifice and unconditional dedication to the homeland.
Head of health service of the assault vehicles of the Royal Navy, he brought without rest and with his own physical challenge, a precious scientific contribution to the difficult, dangerous and long preparation of personnel.
In an attempt to force one of the most powerful and best defended enemy naval bases he asked, and was able to get beyond his duty, to follow the men and assist them until the moment of the launch which took place a few meters from the obstructions of the stronghold. Perceiving the desperate and uncertain struggle faced by the operators, together with the other officers, he did not want to abandon his men, waiting on the launch point for many hours for the established time.
In an attempt to disengage, the unit was deeply attacked by numerous aircraft; reached at the end of a desperate skirmish by volleys of automatic weapons, he fell alongside the other comrades in arms in the place he had kept beyond duty.
Waters of Malta, dawn of the 26 July 1941.