End of Ceremony at NATO Defense College in Rome

(To Daniela Lombardi)

Naples and South Italy increasingly acquire strategic importance for NATO and it is precisely the south of our peninsula that will form the basis of the Alliance dedicated to facing the current and future challenges on global security, first and foremost concerning the issue of migration. To present this important goal of Joint force command that is being transformed under the guidance Born in a southern Hub able to ensure dialogue and stability in the Mediterranean area, it was Admiral Michelle Howard, commander of the allied inter-command of Naples. The occasion to talk about new objectives as well as consolidated strategies was the "Graduation ceremony" with which the 130 ° ended Senior Course of Nato Defense College of Rome, attended in the last six months by 54 between officers and diplomats from 19 Countries of the Alliance.

"Migrations destabilize only those countries that are ill-equipped, but we count on the new southern Hub to face any situation that will arise in the new international scenario"Said Admiral Howard, addressing the highly topical issue of the fight and the fight against terrorism. On this occasion, all the operations in progress in this historical moment were remembered, with a particular mention to the Resolute Support in Afghanistan but also to missions in the Balkans, which are particularly important for the Western balance that risk being compromised by traffic and events that involve the area closest to the gates of Europe.

The missions and relations between countries, related to the current historical moment, are the object of study of the courses senior which, as recalled by General Chris Whitecross, commander of the Born Defense College, aim to deepen more and more the already high skills of the participants, to make them able to face "at best the main debates on the role of NATO, on international security and on all regional and global issues, thanks to the notions and experiences transmitted by authoritative personalities from the academic world".

Senior course is the main academic activity of NATO defense college and, as explained by General Whitecross again "alternates different study periods with educational trips abroad - the so-called field studies - in the main NATO countries and in the partner countries".

In short, education and research are the key words of the College to form the future leadership of nations and to increase, quantitatively and qualitatively, dialogue and communication between civil, military and cultural institutions, in order to create a network that prevents those who intend to undermine world peace and stability to achieve such a goal.