203th anniversary of the weapon

(To Greater Defense)

On the occasion of the 203 anniversary of the founding of the Carabinieri, the Chief of Defense, General Claudio Graziano, sent the general commander, the officers, the marshals, the brigadiers, the pinned, the carabinieri, the students and to the civilian personnel, the warm greeting of the Armed Forces and its personnel.

Today's carabinieri - said General Graziano - they are the heirs of those who fought in the Risorgimento battles, in the trenches of the Great War, where the Arma deserved its first Gold Medal for Military Valor, on the fronts of the Second World War and the War of Liberation and continue to maintain every day , with his own action, the promise engraved in his own heraldic motto: "faithful over the centuries".

The capillary presence on the territory - added the head of SMD - the constant commitment to combating all forms of illegality, human closeness to the needs of citizens, collaboration with other police forces, have earned the Arm the unanimous appreciation of all the components of civil society, which sees in men and women with frogs an example of honesty and professionalism.

General Graziano then recalled that the already wide competences that the Arma dei Carabinieri could boast and that gave it the ability to carry out all the activities for the protection of order and public safety, have been further enriched, since 1 ° January 2017, with the assumption of the tasks of environmental protection first devolved to the State Forestry Corps. A choice that falls in the wake of an inter-ministerial and inter-agency development path that makes the police the largest environmental police in Europe.

Speaking of the great international commitment of the Italian armed forces, the head of the SMD stressed that the carabinieri, in close synergy with their colleagues in the Army, Navy and Air Force, contribute to the success of that “Italian way to peacekeeping” unanimously appreciated by friendly and allied countries.