“That tragic November 12, 2003” states the Undersecretary of State for Defense Matteo Perego of Cremnago at the unveiling of the plaque in honor of the 19 Italians killed during the tragic attack “with Andrea Filippa, the carabiniere guarding the entrance, who neutralized two suicide bombers preventing the truck from exploding inside and causing even greater damage, the carabinieri Massimiliano Bruno, Giovanni Cavallaro, Giuseppe Coletta, Enzo Fregosi, Daniele Ghione fell , Horacio Majorana, Ivan Ghitti, Domenico Intravaia, Filippo Merlino, Alfio Ragazzi and Alfonso Trincone”.
“Army soldiers Massimo Ficuciello, Silvio Olla, Alessandro Carrisi, Emanuele Ferrero and Pietro Petrucci die” continues Perego “who escorted the crew of Stefano Rolla and the cooperator Marco Beci; Beci and Rolla also die, the latter engaged with his crew in filming a drama about the reconstruction of the country".
“I remember the surreal silence on November 18, 2003, the day of the funeral, and I remember all the tricolors displayed in every building along the route of the funeral procession” concludes the undersecretary “today, 20 years after that tragic day, after last Sunday's memorial mass at the Ara Coeli and the numerous commemorations throughout the country, we unveil this plaque in their memory. No one must forget, their names will remain forever in the hearts of all of us for the dedication and sense of duty shown in a peace mission that took them away from the lives and affection of their loved ones.".