UNIFIL: the Folgore parachute brigade gives control to the Grenadier brigade of Sardinia

(To Greater Defense)

Change in the command of the Joint Task Force-Lebanon Sector West (JTF-L SW) between the "Folgore" parachute brigade and the "Granatieri di Sardegna" brigade.

It took place at the "Millevoi" base in Shama, in the presence of Head of Mission and Force Commander (HoM/FC) major general Aroldo Lázaro Sáenz, of the Italian ambassador in Lebanon Nicoletta Bombardiere, of the admiral of division Fabio Agostini, head of the planning and exercises department of the COVI, of the local religious, civil and military authorities, the command of Joint Task Force-Lebanon Sector West (JTF-L SW), operating arm of UNIFIL in West Sector of the operations area, between Brigadier General Roberto Vergori and Brigadier General Giovanni Brafa Musicoro.

Italy leads the JTF-L SW, made up of over 3600 Blue Helmets from 17 of the 48 Nations participating in the Mission. The Italian contribution in Southern Lebanon exceeds 1.100 units, of the over 10.000 total of UNIFIL.

With the Leonte XXXIII operation, the parachute brigade thunderbolt completes the third mandate in South Lebanon, since the beginning of the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission, which since 2006 reflects the terms of Resolution 1701 and assigns the Blue Helmets the precise task of monitoring the cessation of hostilities, assisting the Institutions local authorities in the exercise of sovereignty, in particular the Lebanese Armed Forces, and support the civilian population.

Starting from February 2023, the Folgore formed the backbone of a multinational device structured on five Task Forces, respectively of Ghanaian (Ghanbatt), Malaysian (Malbatt), Italian (Italbatt), South Korean (Rokbatt) and Irish nationality , the latter co-powered with Poland (IrishPolbatt).

“The stability of Lebanon and of this part of the Middle East, closest to Europe, plays a crucial role for the security of the Mediterranean. The commitment of the Italian Armed Forces in this land which contains the genesis of our history - underlined the commander of the JTF-L SW, Brigadier General Roberto Vergori - starts from afar. Lebanon represents the birth certificate of our projection abroad and of our commitment among nations to guarantee peace and freedom".

The "Grenadiers of Sardinia" brigade today marks the beginning of Leonte XXXIV and his fourth mandate within UNIFIL.