The carabinieri employed in the MIADIT Palestine mission have returned. Minister Crosetto announced it yesterday, 14 October. "With great regret but with equal scruple, I have ordered the immediate return of the carabinieri employed in the Miadit Mission in Palestine due to the deterioration of the situation on the ground. A situation which has undermined the security conditions for the continuation of the mission itself. The government has decided to suspend the mission but we are ready to restart as soon as the conditions are right." These are the words of the minister expressed in a note from the Ministry of Defense.
The Miadit Palestine mission was born in 2012 and was interrupted only during the covid-19 pandemic and resumed with great momentum in 2021. The activity arises from a bilateral agreement between the Italian Ministry of Defense and the Palestinian Ministry of the Interior, on the basis of which carabinieri belonging to the departments of the 2nd Carabinieri Mobile Brigade (1st Parachute Regiment, "special intervention group", 7th “Trentino Alto-Adige” regiment and 13th “Friuli-Venezia Giulia” regiment) designated to be employed in international missions, carry out training cycles in favor of the Palestinian Security Forces, such as the presidential guard, the national security force, the palestinian civil police. Today the majority of the men employed come from the territorial organization and from the 1st mobile brigade of the Carabinieri as well as from departments such as TPC (protection of cultural heritage), NOE (Ecological Operations Unit), ROS (special operational group), RACIS (Carabinieri investigations group scientific) and also CUFAA (command of forestry, environmental and agri-food units). Even if they always carry out their activities under the guidance of some individuals from the 2nd mobile brigade, the soldiers of the aforementioned departments obviously do not have the training and knowledge necessary to deal with a crisis situation like the one in course in Israel. The government's decision to return the military as soon as possible therefore appears logical.
The tasks of the MIADIT mission ARE: The training of the security forces of the Ministry of the Interior of Palestine consisting of shooting training, learning police techniques, management of public order, investigative techniques, protection of cultural heritage; promote a systemic approach towards the Palestinian territories; contribute to the creation of conditions for the stabilization of the Palestinian territories; increase the presence and national influence in the area, on a bilateral level and of the main international organizations of reference.
And in Lebanon?
Regarding the milestones present in the UNFIL and MIBIL missions, the Minister of Defense stated that: "I am speaking with the UN these days, but above all hearing directly from the commanders of the contingent in Lebanon, for example, every day because I want to understand what their perception of security is, not just mine from Italy. And as soon as they perceive a need or fear, the Italian government will react accordingly. Our first task is to ensure safety, but also that of our military.”
Concluding a bilateral mission is certainly not difficult for the government, but will returning a contingent of more than a thousand men from a UN mission be equally feasible? Useful?
We'll see...