In recent days, the turnover ceremony in command of the company took place Task Force Air 4th Wing White Eagle II between Colonel Gianluigi Colucci (incoming) and Colonel Antonio Vergallo (transferring).
At the ceremony, at the 22nd air base of the Polish Air Force, numerous Polish military and civil authorities were present as well as the deputy commander of the COVI (interforce top operational command), air team general Nicola Lanza de Cristoforis who, in his speech, wanted to underline the importance of the work carried out by Task Force Air serving NATO. At the same time he recalled the important sacrifice in which the family members also participate, and expressed his heartfelt thanks to them also on behalf of COMCOVI.
La Task Force Air 4th Wing, which operates within the NATO mission of Enhanced Air Policing, is placed under the direct national dependence of COVI and ensures the control and safeguard of NATO's north-eastern flank, without interruption, thus guaranteeing rapid intervention to protect allied airspace.
The TFA is equipped with Eurofighter aircraft Typhoon (F-2000) coming from the 4th wing of Grosseto, 36th wing of Gioia del Colle, 37th wing of Trapani and 51st wing of Istrana.
THEAir Shielding, of which the permanent device is an integral part Air Policing (AP), is a NATO-led peace and collective defense mission that is conducted seamlessly 365 days a year and is managed byAllied Air Command (AIRCOM) of Ramstein (Germany).
The activities carried out in the operational theater are conducted according to the directives given by COVI, which is the high command of the Defense responsible for planning, coordination and direction of exercises and joint operations at national and international level.